The provincial budget is disappointing for those of us who believe it’s both pragmatic and morally right to help British Columbians when they need it.
The community social services sector provides that help, for children, families, seniors and anyone who needs support.
We’ve been struggling to do what’s needed after more than 15 years of budget cuts and freezes, and hoped for some relief in this budget.

Consider four examples. Community Living BC, which supports individuals and families with developmental disabilities is to receive a 1.2-per-cent budget increase.
But CLBC forecasts a 4.9-per-cent increase in the number of people needing services this year.
The result is a 3.8-per-cent cut in funding available for each client. Support workers will be telling those people, and their families that the government has decided to cut the help they receive to balance the budget. CLBC’s funding for each client this year will be $7,000 less than it was in 2006, the agency’s first year, with more reductions planned for the next two years.
The social development ministry received a 1.1-per-cent budget increase. But that’s $11 million less than the government forecast the ministry would need just a year ago.
The ministry of children and family development also gets an extra 1.1 per cent. That’s not enough to meet the increasing needs of children in care, and families in crisis. Budgets for child and youth mental health services, child safety and family support and children in care are frozen.
The health budget for this year is $16.6 billion. That’s $200 million less than the government said would be needed just 12 months ago.
We know that when the health care system can’t meet demands for service, the community social services sector carries the burden, adding to pressures on agencies large and small across the province.
We’re taxpayers, those of us who work in the sector. Many of us have children and don’t want them to face higher taxes in the future to pay for our decisions.
But because we’re on the front lines, we also see the folly of cutting services and supports that people need.
It was just weeks ago that we read how badly the province had failed an 11-year-old boy who ended up being tasered in a group home. The lack of quality childhood intervention will almost certainly result in far higher costs in the future — and a much more difficult life for him.
It’s foolish to deny a senior the weekly supports that let her stay in her home. They cost a fraction of the expense of residential care — and provide a richer life.
We’re confident that funding support for our sector will be validated in any kind of cost-benefit analysis.
Certainly, governments can’t spend more than they receive in revenue year after year. The bills will come due.
But there is more than one kind of deficit.
If governments don’t fund needed supports to children, families, seniors or people with disabilities, the result will be higher costs in the future. Those bills will also come due.
Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, the Representative for Children and Youth, made the point clearly in responding to the budget’s inadequate funding for children in care. “British Columbians are going to pay in the future for that,” she said.
The haste to meet an arbitrary balanced budget deadline has resulted in decisions that will hurt thousands of families who rely on the services of our sector — and hurt the future of the province. Small advances — like funding for more child care spaces — are welcome, but fall short of what is needed.
We need, as a community, to rethink our priorities and provide needed supports. Both because it’s right, and it’s in our own interests as taxpayers and citizens.
The coming election campaign is a chance to have a clear, specific discussion on the value of community services and the need for adequate funding and strong partnerships with government.
We want all parties, and candidates, to recognize that we can do better than this budget.
John Kay, CEO of United Community Services Co-op, wrote this article on behalf of the Roundtable of Provincial Social Services Organizations.
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